CHP Chartered Accountants Cardiff
Making Things Happen For You

HRMC Investigations

People just like you are at risk from HMRC.

That's why we want you to consider the benefits of Tax Investigation Insurance.

Did you know ?

  • Tax Investigations can be deeply intrusive and stressful.
  • Tax Investigations can be highly disruptive to business operations.
  • Tax Investigations can be time consuming for all involved and can drag on for months or even years.
  • HMRC don't always get it right, but it is up to the taxpayer to prove his innocence.

How we can help?

To achieve the best outcome from any investigation you need specialist representation and with Premier Protection in place we can dedicate the right level of representation without you having to worry about the spiralling costs.

The product we offer (CCH Premier Protection) will provide you with cover of up to £100,000 of professional costs per incident resulting from an HMRC intravention, including checks into your Tax Return, PAYE, P11d, NIC and VAT affairs.

If you are about to be the subject of an investigation, we can provide expert help and support.

Find out how to ease the pain caused by HMRC enquiries with our Fee Protection Insurance contacting us on 02920 464448 or