CHP Chartered Accountants Cardiff
Making Things Happen For You

Payroll Services

Whether you are a sole director, employ only a handful of people or have a large workforce, dealing with payroll and ensuring compliance with employment and pension auto-enrolment legislation is yet another burden which can become extremely time-consuming and labour intensive. Many clients have benefitted hugely by outsourcing this work to us. In recent years this service was provided through our sister company CHP Payroll Ltd but since March 2023 this service has been absorbed back into our main practice, CHP Accountants Limited.

Increasing regulation makes it difficult for a small-business owner to stay on top of this work.  The penalty regime is becoming increasingly tougher to comply with and more expensive if you fail.

Our payroll team looks after the payroll for all sizes of business.  Our service also extends to cover those operating within the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) by providing statements of payment and deduction and submitting monthly returns to HMRC.